Sophie Schagerl

Thought on The Edible Woman (A Tiring Moment)
Oil on canvas

I am occupying myself with unfolding an image mediated by writing and reading experiences. At the beginning of each painting stands a textual fragment, a single sentence found, most often however, a habitually written dialogue. I see these dialogues as written sketches that collage impressions of all kinds: quotidian as well as derived from reading or art history. Through moments of trust or conflict that can be found within the dialogues, re-reading them, first visual ideas arise, the translation of which into painting interests me. I am similarly concerned with the uncertainty and riddle that is located between word- and image-based language — with the gap that cannot be easily translated.
For now, I am looking to trace this question in figurative painting, paying special attention to atmospheric qualities and transparencies.

Lake Scene Listening to a Small Sound
Oil on canvas